Thursday, December 22, 2016

इक लाज जरूरी है

इक लाज जरूरी है

सबकी पहचान अलग अंदाज जरूरी है
पर आँखों में हरपल इक लाज जरूरी है

कल किसके वश में है जो बीता या आए
कल जो भी है करना वो आज जरूरी है

हो कोशिश दिल से तो अंजाम भला होगा
हर हालत में बेहतर आगाज जरूरी है

कुछ गिन चुन के चेहरे आते हैं सुर्खी में
उठना मजलूमों की आवाज जरूरी है

जो होश की बातें भी बेहोशी में करते
झांको उसके दिल में क्या राज जरूरी है

साँसें जबतक चलती सुख दुख आते जाते
जो बांट सके गम को हमराज जरूरी है

हक अपना पाने को संघर्ष सभी करते
हर हाल 'सुमन' मीठा अल्फाज जरूरी है

शहर हुआ बदनाम किसी का

शहर हुआ बदनाम किसी का

अल्ला मेरा, राम किसी का
यूँ चलता क्या काम किसी का

इक मालिक फिर डर है कैसा

जप लो चाहे नाम किसी का

चिन्गारी बाहर की आती

शहर हुआ बदनाम किसी का

मेहनत करनेवाले भूखे

होता है आराम किसी का

मेरा फैसला, किसे चुनेंगे

पर आता पैगाम किसी का

करे शरारत, वो सुर्खी में

बुरा हुआ अंजाम किसी का

'सुमन' कीमती, कौन पूछता

बढता रहता दाम किसी का

मौसम बदल रहा है

मौसम बदल रहा है

बदली है यूं सियासत मौसम बदल रहा है
इन्सान को ही इन्सां जैसे निगल रहा है

तकरीर गढते सारे अपने हिसाब से ही
हालात उससे बदतर जैसा कि कल रहा है

जो बैठते हैं चुन के शासन के मंदिरों में
गाली गलौज करते संसद फिसल रहा है

हाथों में ले के माचिस बातें अमन की करते
ऊपर से ठीक लगता अन्दर से जल रहा है

पीछे सुमन ये कितना जाएगा देश अपना
दुनिया में देश ऐसे गिर के सम्भल रहा है

"हिन्दी काव्य संकलन": श्यामल सुमन के मुक्तक

"हिन्दी काव्य संकलन": श्यामल सुमन के मुक्तक: नाम : श्यामल किशोर झा,लेखकीय नाम : श्यामल सुमन,जन्म तिथि : 10.01.1960  जन्म स्थान : चैनपुर, जिला सहरसा, बिहार, भारत शिक्षा : एम० ए० - ...

यह आयोजन सरकारी है

अच्छे दिन की तैयारी है
या रोने की फिर बारी है

क्यों दशकों से छले गए हम
नादानी या लाचारी है

वादे बदले, शासक बदला
जनता अबतक बेचारी है

कौन धरम है ऊंचा, नीचा
इस पर भी मारामारी है

मानवता भी गयी रसातल
यह आयोजन सरकारी है

दहशतगर्दी बढती जाती
कारण घर घर बेकारी है

लूटा जिसने देश अभीतक
नेता, मंत्री, अधिकारी हैं

इसे कहें क्यों सहनशीलता
सच पूछो तो बीमारी है

अब तो जागो देशवासियों
'सुमन' व्यवस्था हत्यारी है

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The 100 Year Flood Is Not What You Think It Is (Maybe)

The 100 Year Flood

A one-​hundred-year ​flood is ​a ​flood ​event that has ​a 1% probability ​of occurring in ​any given year. ​
Being able to ​characterize ​flood risks is ​a crucial job ​of civil ​engineers. ​Engineering ​hydrology has ​equal parts ​statistics and ​understanding ​how society ​treats risks. ​
Sometimes ​there’s ​not enough ​water, like in ​a drought or ​just an arid ​region, but we ​also need to be ​prepared for ​the times when ​there’s ​too much water, ​a flood. ​Rainfall and ​streamflow have ​tremendous ​variability and ​it’s the ​engineer’​s job to ​characterize ​that so that we ​can make ​rational and ​intelligent ​decisions about ​how we develop ​the world ​around us.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

After Work, is what determines your future.....

After work, is what determines your future! Spend one hour per day doing these 5 things and your life will change forever!
You finish work at 6 pm, go to bed at 12 midnight.

Within these six hours, how do you spend them?

Watching TV?

In fact, the activities you do between 6 am and 12 midnight,

the importance of it is beyond your imagination.

Too many people believe that,

your career is determined by the 8 hours of hard work and effort you put at work,

and your future and career progression depend on the boss and the company.

But the reality is that for most people, this thing, you are on your own…..

Read on…

“Cultivation”, it’s forever dependent by yourself.  If you found yourself not progressing in life, you cannot blame and put the responsibility on your company for not grooming you.

1. What you do every night is important

My major in college was marketing, but I expect to become a designer.

So I practiced day and night, picking up some freelance work to improve my design skills.

It took me a long time.

When I became a boss, I no longer need to involve myself in design work,

So I went back to the Marketing field.

Every day, when my children are sleeping,

I began learning to gain more knowledge, this again took me a long time,

But I begin to realise my returns.

If I rely on my working hours to gain skills,

then I will never have become a creative director and a product manager,

or like today, teaching MBA students on Marketing.

What I rely on, is myself giving myself “lessons”.

And the most successful people I knew, walked the same path as I am.

I have a friend who is a History graduate,

but he is interested in technical sales,

In the day, he does telemarketing, at night he learns how to code,

Finally, he became the vice president of sales in a startup company.

Now, he’s a CTO.

I have another friend, he received a degree in political science.

But he’s very interested in entrepreneurship.

he learnt a lot of knowledge on how to start up a company, eventually, he founded a company and sold it,  Now he has reaped the rewards.

For them, what they do between 6 pm till 12 midnight, is what determined their future.

Clearly, we need to balance life and work. If you have a wife and children, every night, you have to stay with them.

Even if you are single, you also need a reasonable allocation of time to go to the gym, to meet with friends, or be alone to meditate and so on.

Of course, watching movies, playing games is good.

But there are things you do not need to do.

For example, watching the new season of a Netflix drama, 14 hours per week watching television (This is the average amount of time watching television).

The time spent playing the game Candy Crush.

Or spending time stalking your high school alumni on Facebook,

it does not seem to be good.

So what should you do?

2. Read more, anything will do!

My college mentor was born in Alabama,  A poor African family.

He was admitted to West Point Military Academy, and he became the first person in the family to go college.

Before going to Havard for his MBA, he’s a trained officer.

When I met him, he has already developed his career in the city of Colorado Springs.

I asked him, what’s his biggest success?

He replied, because he kept the habit of reading, and he never stopped.
He believed that if you want to get what you want in life, knowledge is the key.

He often asked his interviewees what book are they reading now, the excellent ones can give an answer immediately.

Reading can give you a good headstart, this is often what your peers cannot obtain.
Compared to others, you are more likely to know other industries strategies and tactics, and that may be helpful to your company.

You can transfer your knowledge within the organization, create new possibilities for your company.

Moreover, your conversation topics will become more interesting.
Anthony Robbins said:

“If you spend one hour a day to learn about a topic, a year later, in this regard, the knowledge you gain will be more than 99.999% of the world’s people.”

Even if you have 30 minutes every night, each week you can easily read a book.

You may not be an expert, but I promise, you’ll know more than what your peers know.

3. Do some projects

You can apply the knowledge learnt to real work scenario, this is only an ideal state. If your company did not give you this opportunity, create opportunities for yourself.

You can do some volunteer projects. They can bring you fame. Working with a team, you’ll understand how things work.

In the practical application of the industry, and how it ultimately affect actual customers.

You’ll learn how to perform the task and meet deadlines, and get feedbacks on what you are doing, and benefit from it.

When you are not strong enough, these experience may not have any value to you.

But you are still a novice.

These experiences are far more valuable than the miserable pay you are getting.

If you can really convince others of your pockets of fruits of labour,

Then go try it. But do not let these private jobs affect your work.

4. Actively build your connections

In your career path, a strong network of connections will make everything accelerate.

If you have not set up your own personal connections, you’ll need to divide a portion of your time to do this.

A strong network of relationships, can enable you:

contact smart friends, and learn their opinions, get information and knowledge that are difficult to obtain,  help the company look for more potential partners
or income generating opportunities

Go get to know your work colleague or boss…..

If you are an entrepreneur,

your network connections will be your early customers, your staffs are a source of capital rather than go home, or going to a bar, you should find some inner circles.

There are many small groups which are highly relevant to your career.

You should try to integrate into these circles.

Every week, you can drink coffee together with new friends, go drinking or have breakfast.

 You can also look into everyone’s career developments on LinkedIn.

And establish a network with mentors in those professional industries.

They may be your next job employer, who knows?

Your connections will be your most powerful asset in the workplace.

Since you have time to watch “The Voice of China”, you have time to build a social network.

5. The CHANGE of your LIFE starts TONIGHT

6 pm to 12 am, you go home, though physically and mentally tired, you are free to do anything and do not have to take orders from others.

During this time, you can switch off like switching off your computer at your workplace, switch off your brain.

But you can also do something, make you smarter, stronger, have a wider network of people.

From the start tonight, take an hour a day to do these things,

I guarantee that after a year, your career, and life will change.

Written by
Kalyana Sundaram
Business Development Manager - SAP

Monday, July 25, 2016

Constant ill health with one ailment or other, struck a kind of rebel in me.  I chose to visit lesser to see a Doctor as it was becoming a regular practice. One canot go to a Doctor in a big city at the spur of the moment. My sickness were becoming more of a game play or Vudu like. I started a search for various disciplines of Medicine for my problems online. As I am a constant practitioner of practical Yoga postures to keep my body in a mobile codition, I found it more satisfactory to search for my symptoms on various Medical Sites. Naturopathy was always one of my favorites. But the severity of a particular illness always resulted in taking allopathic medicines due to their quick relief. Belonging to a Doctor's family too was a reason for my dependence on allopathy. I started reading Homeopathy, Ayurveda and other practices on various Websites. I am sharing my findings and enlightened knowledge with you so that it might come handy in your times of illnesses.

I found Ayurveda very close to Naturopathy. 'Ayurveda'  is a system of healing that originated in ancient India. In Sanskrit, ayur means life or living, and veda means knowledge, so Ayurveda can be defined as the "knowledge of living" or the "science of longevity." Ayurveda medicine practices utilizes detoxification and purification techniques, herbal and mineral remedies, yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, diet, and massage therapy as holistic healing methods. Ayurvedic system of medicine is widely practiced in India, China, Japan, Gemany, as well as other countries. According to the texts, Ayurveda was conceived by enlightened wise men as a system of living harmoniously and maintaining the body so that mental and spiritual awareness could be possible.

According to the original texts, the Ayurvedic system of Medicine is prevention as well as promotion of the body's own capacity for maintenance and balance. Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and non-toxic, so it can be used safely as an alternative therapy or alongside conventional therapies. Ayurvedic physicians claim that their methods can also help stress-related, metabolic, and chronic conditions. Ayurveda has been used to treat acne, allergies, asthma , anxiety, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome , colds, colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, flu, heart disease, hypertension, immune problems, inflammation, insomnia, nervous disorders, obesity, skin problems, and ulcers.
Constant ill health with one ailment or other, struck a kind of rebel in me.  I chose to visit lesser to see a Doctor as it was becoming a regular practice. One canot go to a Doctor in a big city at the spur of the moment. My sickness were becoming more of a game play or Vudu like. I started a search for variouss disciplines of Medicine for my problems online. As I am a constant practitioner of practical Yoga postures to keep my body in a mobile codition, I found it more satisfactory to search for my symptoms on various Medical Sites. Naturopathy was always one of my favorites. But the severity of a particular illness always resulted in taking allopathic medicines due to their quick results. Belonging to a Doctor's family too was a reason for my dependence on allopathy. I studied Homeopathy, Ayurveda and other practices on various Websites. I am sharing my findings and enlightened knowledge with you so that it might come handy in your times of illnesses.

I found Ayurveda very close to Naturopathy. 'Ayurveda'  is a system of healing that originated in ancient India. In Sanskrit, ayur means life or living, and veda means knowledge, so Ayurveda can be defined as the "knowledge of living" or the "science of longevity." Ayurveda medicine practices utilizes detoxification and purification techniques, herbal and mineral remedies, yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, diet, and massage therapy as holistic healing methods. Ayurvedic system of medicine is widely practiced in India, China, Japan, Gemany, as well as other countries. According to the texts, Ayurveda was conceived by enlightened wise men as a system of living harmoniously and maintaining the body so that mental and spiritual awareness could be possible.

According to the original texts, the Ayurvedic system of Medicine is prevention as well as promotion of the body's own capacity for maintenance and balance. Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and non-toxic, so it can be used safely as an alternative therapy or alongside conventional therapies. Ayurvedic physicians claim that their methods can also help stress-related, metabolic, and chronic conditions. Ayurveda has been used to treat acne, allergies, asthma , anxiety, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome , colds, colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, flu, heart disease, hypertension, immune problems, inflammation, insomnia, nervous disorders, obesity, skin problems, and ulcers.