Friday, November 8, 2013

Healing From Verbal And Emotional Abuse

You may spend a huge amount of time self-protecting and taking things into your own hands. You try to protect yourselves from people who may reject, betray, or invalidate you. You try to navigate, and fix people and situations to protect yourself. If you look at what you are thinking and choosing to do in varying situations, you will realize how much of your time is spent in self-protecting.

If you find yourself a victim of verbal or emotional abuse who feels brokenhearted and crushed in spirit, walk through the steps, applying one tool after another, to become proactive in creating the future that you desire and the good future God desires for you.
  1. Reach Out – Reach out to God and others. When choosing someone to talk to, make sure they are part of the solution, not someone who will hurt you more. Choose someone who is nonjudgmental, emotionally healthy, can validate you, and help you to see all your options to be proactive. Also, seek a trained counselor with experience in abuse. 
  2.  Identify - Identify the truth of your situation. Don’t deny, minimize, or rationalize your pain. Kicking dirt over something doesn't make it go away; it only buries it so it cannot be dealt with appropriately.
  3. Be Proactive – Don’t think like a victim who is without choices. Maybe your choices are not ideal, but you still have choices to maneuver out of your situation. Make the best choices possible. Don’t react but rather make proactive decisions to move forward. Victims are reactive, but overcomers are proactive.  
  4. Control Your Thoughts and Emotions – Recognize, capture, and reword your thoughts that are negative and promote an expectation of failure or repetition of abuse. Turn your thinking to similar stories where you or others overcame struggles and persevered to the other side. Don’t allow yourself to focus on the negative.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The greatest achievement

"The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances."
Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise.
-Sam Pascoe, American scholar.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Young Generation ready to take on the responsibilities in every sector/facet of Life, must first educate themselves and learn from the sacrifices & experiences of their forefathers, even if the conditions then might have necessitated their thoughts and actions. History has a tendency to repeat itself as is my personal experience.

Safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater

A growing world population, unrelenting urbanization, increasing scarcity of good quality water resources and rising fertilizer prices are the driving forces behind the accelerating upward trend in the use of wastewater, excreta and greywater for agriculture and aquaculture.

The health risks associated with this practice have been long recognized, but regulatory measures were, until recently, based on rigid guideline values whose application often was incompatible with the socio-economic settings where most wastewater use takes place.

In 2006, WHO published a third edition of its Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture. In four volumes, these Guidelines propose a flexible approach of risk assessment and risk management linked to health-based targets that can be established at a level that is realistic under local conditions. The approach is to be backed-up by strict monitoring measures.
Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater

Sunday, May 5, 2013

24 Hours of Reality 2012 - In November 2012, millions around the world tuned in to 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Together we sent a ...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

WHO | Water quality and health strategy 2013-2020

The quality of water, whether used for drinking, domestic purposes, food production or recreational purposes has an important impact on health. Water of poor quality can cause disease outbreaks and it can contribute to background rates of disease manifesting themselves on different time scales. Initiatives to manage the safety of water do not only support public health, but often promote socioeconomic development and well-being as well.This document sets out the strategy adopted by WHO to manage water quality with a view to protecting and promoting human health.
WHO | Water quality and health strategy 2013-2020